Gays and Lesbians Together (GALT)

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Gays and Lesbians Together (GALT)


GALT was a queer community organization based in St. John's during the 1990s, they ran a phone line in partnership with the Newfoundland Amazon Network, held regular meetings, and revamped the CHAN newsletter "AboutFace" for a new generation. The organization was co-founded by Padraic Brake and other community members in 1987.

Collection Items

AboutFace, June 1991
This newsletter was a reboot of the original AboutFace newsletter published by CHAN in the 1970s. Gays and Lesbians Together (GALT) recognised the foundational work done by CHAN and sought to reestablish the newsletter as a source of local gay and…

AboutFace, October 1991
This was the second issue of a reboot of the original AboutFace newsletter published by CHAN in the 1970s. GALT recognised the foundational work done by CHAN and sought to reestablish the newsletter as a source of local gay and lesbian news and…
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