Browse Items (4 total)

Monthly newsletter for GAIN members. It includes news items such as a dance that was to be held at the Women's Centre. Reports that GAIN has AIDS brochures such as “It’s Raining Men, Do You Have Your Rubbers On?” and “This is a Test, This is Only a…

Monthly newsletter for GAIN members. Contains news of upcoming events such as a dance being held at the women’s center, an AIDS blood test clinic, and a possible showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show being shown at MUN. There are also news items…

Tommy Sexton, Christmas 1987.jpg
Tommy Sexton sneaking up on the camera on Christmas Day 1987. He is surrounded by presents and his black cat is on the left side.

Tommy Sexton (1957-1993) was an actor, dancer, musician, and comedian born in St. John's, Newfoundland. He was best…

Tommy Sexton with cat by Christmas tree, 1989.jpg
Photo of Tommy Sexton seated on the ground, wearing a white t-shirt and jeans. He is holding a black cat. A Christmas tree and coffee table are visible in the background.

Tommy Sexton (1957-1993) was an actor, dancer, musician, and comedian born…
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