Browse Items
- 1880
- 1880s
- 1888
- 1890
- 1890s
- 1896
- 1899
- 1900
- 1900s
- 1902
- 1903
- 1910
- 1910s
- 1913
- 1920
- 1920s
- 1923
- 1924
- 1970s
- 1972
- 1974
- 1975
- 1976
- 1977
- 1979
- 1980
- 1980's
- 1980s
- 1981
- 1982
- 1983
- 1984
- 1985
- 1986
- 1987
- 1988
- 1989
- 1990
- 1990s
- 1991
- 1992
- 1994
- 1995
- 1998
- 19th century
- 2000
- 2000s
- 2001
- 2014 Olympics
- 20th century
- 2SLGBTQS purge
- A Woman's Place
- AboutFace
- abuse
- acting
- activism
- activist strategy
- actor
- adolescents
- adoption
- ads
- advertisement
- AIDS Committee of Newfoundland and Labrador
- AIDS crisis
- alcohol
- alone
- American flag
- Amnesty International
- Amsterdam
- Anglican
- animals
- archway
- Argentia
- Argentia base
- armed forces
- armed forces purges
- art
- art history
- art show
- artisan
- artist
- arts
- assault
- asylum
- Atlantic
- Atlantic Canada
- Atlantic Gay and Lesbian Community Conference
- Atlantic gay movement
- Atlantic gay organizations
- Atlantic Ocean
- Atlantic Provinces Political Lesbians
- attack
- B. Mark Schoenberg
- Baie Verte
- balls
- Barbara Thornborrow
- bathrobe
- battery
- bay
- beach
- beaches
- beer
- Bermuda
- Beth Lacey
- Betty Ralph
- bilingualism
- bisexuality
- black & white
- black and white
- black cat
- blood clinic
- blood testing
- boats
- book
- book review
- books
- bookstores
- Boston
- Boston Gay Speakers
- boston marriages
- bowling
- boy
- Brazil
- bricks
- Broadcasting Act
- Brooklyn
- burial
- By-laws
- callers
- Calvert
- camera
- Canada
- Canadian Armed Forces
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- Canadian Homophile Association of Newfoundland
- Canadian Human Rights Act
- Canadian Military
- caribou
- carnival
- Carole Dunphy
- casket
- castle
- casual
- cat
- cemetery
- censorship
- Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning
- Charles Danielle
- Charles H. Danielle
- Charles H. Danielle death
- Charles Henry Danielle
- charter rights
- Chasers Mates
- chef
- Chicago
- Chicago House AIDS Hospice
- child custody
- children
- Chinese
- Christianity
- Christmas
- church
- cigarette
- cinema
- City Hall
- Clarence H Waugh
- Clarence H. Waugh
- clinic
- closeted
- Club Max
- coffee
- coffin
- collage
- colonial violence
- colonialism
- comedian
- comedy
- comics
- coming out
- community
- community groups
- Community Homophile Association of Newfoundland
- community mental health
- Conception Bay
- concert
- conference
- Connecticut
- conservative party
- conversion
- conversion therapy
- costume
- costume ball
- costumer
- counselling services
- couple
- couples
- craft
- crafting
- crochet
- cross country
- crossdressing
- Crow Head
- cult classics
- cupid
- custody
- Dalhousie University
- dance
- dance party
- dance teacher
- dancing
- dating
- dating ad
- David and Johnathan
- death
- death wishes
- Decks Awash
- decoration
- Department of Health
- Department of National Revenue
- design
- diary
- Dicks and co
- Dildo
- Dildo Place
- dining room
- discrimination
- diversity
- dog
- Dorothea Tilley
- Dr. Tait
- drag
- Drag Makeup
- drag queens
- dress
- dyke
- dysphoria
- eccentric
- Ed Jackson
- Edinburgh
- Edith S. Watson
- Edith Watson
- education
- education opportunities
- emotional labour
- entertainment
- Envelope
- Epicene
- equality rights
- Eric Clarke
- Evening Herald
- Evening Telegram
- events
- fabric
- fame
- family
- farm
- fear
- feature
- federal government
- Federal Justice Minister
- feminism
- feminist history
- Ferryland
- film
- finances
- flowers
- fought
- frame
- francophone
- Frederick A Brazill
- Frederick A. Brazill
- Frederick Brazill
- Friends Bar
- friendship
- frown
- fundraiser
- fundraising
- funeral
- funeral memento
- funeral rites
- GAIN Foresight
- galleries
- garment design
- Gary Kinsman
- gay
- Gay Alliance for Equality
- Gay and Lesbian Association
- Gay and Lesbian Studies Group
- Gay and Lesbian Supplement
- Gay Association in Newfoundland
- gay bar
- gay bars
- gay club
- gay community
- Gay Community News
- gay dances
- gay fathers
- Gay Games
- gay groups
- gay man
- gay men
- gay men and lesbians in Newfoundland
- gay pornography
- gay students’ association
- gay studies
- gay supplements
- gay theatre
- Gays and Lesbians Together
- gender
- gender and sexuality alliance
- gender diversity
- gender non-conformity
- gender roles
- gender variance
- gendered
- Gerald Lund
- Gerald Lunz
- Gerry Rogers
- girls
- girly
- Gloria Cameron
- government of Newfoundland and Labrador
- Gower Street
- Graduate House
- Grand Falls
- Greg Malone
- group photo
- H.L. Bundy
- Halifax
- Halifax Gay Alliance
- Halloween
- Halloween dance
- handwriting
- handwritten
- harassment
- Harbour Grace
- Harbour Grace Standard
- Harold Horwood
- Hatch Newsletter
- hate crime
- health
- health disparities
- healthcare
- heart
- heir
- heteronormativity
- heterosexism
- heterosexism enquirer
- heterosexual privilege
- heterosexuality
- heterosexuals
- history
- holidays
- Homomonument
- homophile
- homophobia
- Homosexual
- hopedale
- hospice
- house
- House of Commons
- housing
- Hughes Commission
- human rights
- Human Rights Act
- Human Rights Amendment
- human rights legislation
- Ian Bowmer
- Illness
- immigration
- in the closet
- Indigenous
- indigenous history
- injustice
- integrity
- international
- International Gay Association
- international news
- intimate partner violence
- Inuit
- inuit history
- isolated
- James Brian
- James Vey
- Jeff Myles
- Jeffrey Howard
- Jill Lawless
- Joey Smallwood
- John Crosbie
- John Godman
- Jon Kaplan
- journalism
- Junior High School
- Justin Hall
- Katz
- Katz Bar
- kitchen
- knitting
- L Murphy
- labor movement
- Labrador
- Labrador Inuit
- landscape
- language
- last wishes
- late 19th century
- legal
- legislation
- lesbian
- lesbian and gay community
- lesbian and gay Issues
- lesbian and gay pride
- lesbian commitment ceremony
- lesbian community
- lesbian dance
- lesbian families
- lesbian feminism
- lesbian motherhood
- lesbian mothers
- Lesbian Mothers' Defence Fund
- Lesbian Mothers' Defence Funds
- Lesbian Network Magazine
- lesbian organizing
- lesbian relationships
- lesbians
- letter
- letter to the editor
- letter writing
- LGBT Purge
- LGBTQmmunity
- lipstick
- literature
- Little River
- live performance
- log book
- love
- love affairs
- LSPU Hall
- magic
- makeup
- March for Freedom
- Marian Atkinson
- Maritimes
- marriage
- masks
- masquerade
- McGill University
- medical history
- medicine
- meeting
- memorial card
- Memorial University
- Memorial University of Newfoundland
- mental health
- mental hospital
- Middle Cove
- military
- mixed media
- money
- mortuary
- mountains
- movies
- Mr. Jas. Vey
- Mrs. A. Ryan
- mukluks
- murder
- Muse
- music
- mystery
- NAN line
- Nathalie Brunet
- National Arts Centre
- National Film Board
- National Gay Conference
- national organizing
- nature
- nature walk
- nature.
- New democratic party
- New England
- new year
- New York
- New York Sunday American and Journal
- Newfoundland
- Newfoundland Amazon Network
- Newfoundland and Labrador AIDS Committee
- Newfoundland and Labrador Human Rights Association
- Newfoundland Human Rights Act
- Newfoundland Medical Association
- newsletter
- newspaper
- newspaper article
- newspaper articles
- newspapers
- NF
- Nippers Harbor
- NL
- NMA Communique
- nonbinary
- North Bay
- notebook
- Notre Dame
- Notre Dame Bay
- Nova Scotia
- obscene
- occupation
- ocean
- Octagon Castle
- Octagon Castle Hotel
- online dating
- oral history
- organization
- organizations
- organizing
- outdoors
- outside
- Oxfam
- P. Florence Miller
- painting
- parade
- Paradise
- parenting
- parody
- party
- passing the love of women
- Paul Goodman
- pen pals
- performance
- personal ads
- personal photographs
- Peter Miller
- petition
- pets
- phone line
- phone-line
- photobooth
- photograpahy
- Photograph
- photographer
- photography
- physical objects
- Pink Triangle Press
- pink triangles
- Pitsfield Massachusetts
- Planned Parenthood
- poem
- poetry
- police
- police harassment
- political activism
- political groups
- politics
- portrait
- Portugal cove
- posing
- postcard
- poster
- potluck
- presents
- Pricilla's
- Pricilla’s Bar
- Pride
- Pride bonfire
- pride parade
- Pride Week
- Pride Week 1983
- private club
- private membership
- procession
- Professor Charles H. Danielle
- Professor Danielle
- pronouns
- prosecution
- Provincial Advisory Council on the Status of Women
- psychology
- public displays of affection
- public health
- publishing
- purges
- queer
- queer cinema
- queer couple
- queer healthcare
- queer man
- queer men
- queer Newfoundlander
- queer studies
- queer woman
- queer women
- Queerness in Russia
- quidi vidi
- quidi vidi lake
- Radclyffe Hall
- radio
- raid
- rally
- Ray Condon
- RCA Presentation
- regatta
- regatta day
- relationships
- religion
- reproduction
- research group
- restaurant
- riches
- Rick Mercer
- Robert Stoodley
- Robin Metcalfe
- Rock Hudson
- Ron Knowling
- rowhouse
- royal lake pavilion
- rug hooking
- rural
- safe sex
- sailors
- same sex relationships
- same-sex families
- same-sex relationships
- sandy beach
- sapphic
- sapphic literature
- satin
- satire
- school
- science
- scrapbook
- Sea Breeze
- seafaring
- Section 15
- self-portrait
- selfie
- seminar
- sewing
- sexism
- sexual assault
- sexual orientation discrimination
- sexuality
- Sexuality 88
- sexually transmitted diseases
- shadow
- shadow box cast
- shock treatment
- silk
- single parent
- skating
- smile
- smiling
- Smoky Tickle
- snow
- social
- social life
- sodomy legislation
- Solidari-tea
- Spokeswoman
- sporting events
- sports
- SS Kyle
- St John’s
- St. John's
- St. John's Status of Women Council
- St. John’s
- Stag Harbour
- stigma
- stitching
- stockings
- Stonewall
- stress
- students
- substance use
- suit
- summer
- sun
- Sunday
- Sunday Dinner with Mom
- support
- Susan McConnell
- talent
- Tania Dopler
- tea
- teacher
- Teaching
- Telegram
- television
- textiles
- The Body Politic
- the closet
- The Convent
- The Evening Telegram
- The Globe and Mail
- the Graduate House
- The Heterosexism Enquirer
- The Joy of Gay Sex
- The Muse
- the professor
- The Rocky Horror Picture Show
- The Sea Breeze
- The Unlit Lamp
- theater
- theatre
- theatre review
- therapy
- Theresa Walsh
- Tommy Sexton
- tompkins
- Tony Johnston
- Topsail
- Topsail Road
- Toronto
- tourism
- traditional clothing
- train
- trans
- trans masculine
- trans women
- transgender
- travel
- Tree Walsh
- trees
- trial
- Trinity
- Trinity Bay
- tropical
- TV
- Twillingate
- Two Foolish
- Two Foolish to Talk About
- two spirit
- two spirit culture
- United States
- university student
- vacation
- valentine
- Venison Island
- Victoria Hayward
- video
- violence
- visibility
- volunteer
- walking tour
- Wally Upward
- Waterfront Tavern
- Waterlily
- wealth
- west coast
- wig
- will
- William Bartlett
- wills
- Wish Leonard
- wlw
- women
- Women Speak
- women's issues
- World War 2
- World War II
- writing
- youth