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Tommy Sexton as police officer with cat, out of focus.jpg
A photograph of Tommy Sexton dressed as a police officer and holding a white cat. Tommy is wearing a blonde wig and makeup. The camera is slightly out of focus.

Tommy Sexton (1957-1993) was an actor, dancer, musician, and comedian born in St.…

1980.08 Body Politic.jpeg
Letter to the editor of The Body Politic from William Bartlett, owner of Friends Bar in St. John's, pointing out inaccuracies in the publication's coverage of a police raid on the bar on March 14th, 1980.This letter was posted in the Body Politic…

The Body politic, June_July 1980.jpeg
Article in The Body Politic describing a violent police raid on the night of March 14, 1980 at Friends Bar in St. John's. It reports that police entered at 2:45 am with the intention to shut down the bar at any cost. Patrons were ordered to leave by…
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