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Letter from Clarence H. Waugh to Frederick A. Brazill, January 8, 1903 (dragged).jpg
A letter written by Clarence H. Waugh, a former acquaintance of Charles H. Danielle in the United States, in reply to Frederick A, Brazill, dated January 8, 1903. The letter thanks to Brazill for sending a photo, an obituary card for Charles, a…

Letter from Clarence H. Waugh to Frederick A. Brazill, February 15, 1903 (dragged).jpg
Clarence Waugh, a former acquaintance of Charles H. Danielle in the United States, discusses Danielle in this letter to Frederick A. Brazill written after Danielle's death, referring to him as Charles Clark. Clarence highlights Charles'…

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Picture of Frederick Brazill looking into Charles Danielle's coffin, inside the Octagon Castle.

_Letter from John E. Godman to Frederick A. Brazill, June 23, 1902  (dragged).jpg
A letter written by John E. Godman in reply to previous correspondence with Frederick A. Brazill. Godman writes about the Potts family and a particular unnamed member, who Brazill had previously inquired about due to receiving a letter from them.…

Photograph of Charles Henry Danille and Frederick Brazill, Brazil posed standing with hand rested on the shoulder of Charles Henry Danielle.
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