Lesbian and Gay Issues Supplement - Muse vol. 34, no. 20

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Muse, 1984-03-23, p.7.jpg

Dublin Core


Lesbian and Gay Issues Supplement - Muse vol. 34, no. 20


The Muse's 1984 and Lesbian and Gay Issues Supplement. The first page displays a full-page cartoon drawing of a gay couple kissing behind some bushes, and speech bubbles coming out of the bushes expressing homophobic sentiments. The second page details how, marking the International Year of Lesbian and Gay Action, the Gay and Lesbian Supplement within the Muse would be used as a tool to connect the gay and lesbian community within Newfoundland, and as a tool to further visibility and representation of the community. The third page contains an article describing lesbian-feminist politics, the ripple effects lesbian feminism has on people's lives, children, and the community as a whole, and identifying lesbian feminism as a direct stance against patriarchal dominance and heteronormativity, along with a reprinted article from Carleton University's Charlatan paper about lesbianism and stereotypes. The fourth and fifth pages feature a small comic strip and provide a "how to" guide on the act of "coming out" to people in one's life. There are two articles on the sixth page: one, reprinted from McGill University's McGill Daily, discusses the experiences of gay students within their first year of university, living on campus in the residence buildings. The writer specifically highlights the experience of having one's identity treated like gossip, but also connecting with other gay students. The second, reprinted from the University of Manitoba's Manitoban, is about Ed Jackson, who was initially from New Brunswick, but moved to Toronto and joined the editorial collective that published The Body Politic. An article on the seventh page highlights how gay pornography at the time was taking on tropes of typically straight porn, which had a direct power dynamic of oppressor/oppressed, and details how aspects gay pornography may be problematic or harmful in the way it conceptualizes sex as a commodity.


The Muse and various authors


Centre for Newfoundland Studies


March 23, 1984


Creative Commons


image/jpeg; application/pdf






The Muse and various authors, “Lesbian and Gay Issues Supplement - Muse vol. 34, no. 20,” The Newfoundland and Labrador Queer Archive, accessed September 7, 2024, https://nlqueerarchive.com/items/show/123.