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Tommy Sexton, Christmas 1987.jpg
Tommy Sexton sneaking up on the camera on Christmas Day 1987. He is surrounded by presents and his black cat is on the left side.

Tommy Sexton (1957-1993) was an actor, dancer, musician, and comedian born in St. John's, Newfoundland. He was best…

Tommy Sexton out of focus.jpeg
An out-of-focus home photograph of Tommy Sexton talking in front of a window.Tommy Sexton (1957-1993) was an actor, dancer, musician, and comedian born in St. John's, Newfoundland. He was best known for his involvement in CODCO, a Newfoundland-based…

Tommy Sexton on beach, out of focus.jpg
Tommy Sexton on a sandy beach with a leather jacket, with a pink sky behind him.

Tommy Sexton (1957-1993) was an actor, dancer, musician, and comedian born in St. John's, Newfoundland. He was best known for his involvement in CODCO, a…

Tommy Sexton mirror selfie.jpg
Tommy Sexton is taking a photograph of himself in a mirror. He is holding a camera and wearing a white tank top.

Tommy Sexton (1957-1993) was an actor, dancer, musician, and comedian born in St. John's, Newfoundland. He was best known for his…

Tommy Sexton out of focus, balloons behind.jpeg
An out-of-focus home photograph of Tommy Sexton, with balloons in the background.

Tommy Sexton (1957-1993) was an actor, dancer, musician, and comedian born in St. John's, Newfoundland. He was best known for his involvement in CODCO, a…

0052_Image 52.jpg
Tommy Sexton posing with his arms crossed over his chest, looking to the side towards the camera without smiling.

Tommy Sexton (1957-1993) was an actor, dancer, musician, and comedian born in St. John's, Newfoundland. He was best known for his…

0028_Image 28 (1).jpg
A home photograph taken of Sexton holding a beer and smiling at the camera.

Tommy Sexton (1957-1993) was an actor, dancer, musician, and comedian born in St. John's, Newfoundland. He was best known for his involvement in CODCO, a…

Tommy Sexton selfie in drag.jpg
A selfie of Tommy Sexton in drag. Tommy is wearing a shiny black shirt, a curly blonde wig, red lipstick and breasts.

Tommy Sexton (1957-1993) was an actor, dancer, musician, and comedian born in St. John's, Newfoundland. He was best known for…

Tommy Sexton seated smiling at camera.jpg
Photo of Tommy Sexton seated, smiling at the camera, wearing a brown jacket.

Tommy Sexton (1957-1993) was an actor, dancer, musician, and comedian born in St. John's, Newfoundland. He was best known for his involvement in CODCO, a…

Tommy Sexton sunbathing on tropical beach, 1988.jpg
A photograph of Tommy Sexton on a tropical beach, shirtless and facing the sun with his eyes closed. There are people, boats, houses, trees, and a partial view of the ocean in the background.

Tommy Sexton (1957-1993) was an actor, dancer,…

Tommy Sexton sunbathing.jpg
An image of Tommy Sexton in a tropical location on a white beach chair. He is tanned and wearing sunglasses.

Tommy Under a Plant Arch Holding Flower.jpg
Photo of Tommy Sexton under an archway of greenery and florals. Tommy is holding onto a branch of flowers and leaves, head bent and slightly smiling towards the camera. He is wearing a white t-shirt with a faded image, casual pants, a backpack, and a…

Tommy Sexton with cat and dog, 1986.jpg
A photograph of Tommy Sexton wearing a blue jacket, with his arms around a black cat and a black dog. In the background are a radiator heater, a staircase, and several pairs of shoes.

Tommy Sexton (1957-1993) was an actor, dancer, musician, and…

Tommy Sexton with cat by Christmas tree, 1989.jpg
Photo of Tommy Sexton seated on the ground, wearing a white t-shirt and jeans. He is holding a black cat. A Christmas tree and coffee table are visible in the background.

Tommy Sexton (1957-1993) was an actor, dancer, musician, and comedian born…

Tommy Sexton with cat in kitchen, 1987.jpg
Photo of Tommy Sexton seated in a kitchen, wearing a plaid shirt and blue pants. He is holding a black cat.

Tommy Sexton (1957-1993) was an actor, dancer, musician, and comedian born in St. John's, Newfoundland. He was best known for his…

Tommy Sexton with masks.jpg
A photograph of Tommy posing next to three masks. He is frowning and his arms are crossed.

Tommy Sexton (1957-1993) was an actor, dancer, musician, and comedian born in St. John's, Newfoundland. He was best known for his involvement in CODCO, a…

Tommy Sexton glaring at camera.jpg
Tommy Sexton holding a camera and taking a photo of himself.

Tommy Sexton (1957-1993) was an actor, dancer, musician, and comedian born in St. John's, Newfoundland. He was best known for his involvement in CODCO, a Newfoundland-based comedy troupe…

What's The Buzz, Spring 2000.jpg
Excerpts from The Heterosexism Enquirer Newsletter. One excerpt talks about the potential for violence in same sex relationships, specifically in lesbian relationships. The other excerpt talks about the heterosexual privilege of being able to…

Hatch March 1983 chart of stressors.tif
This "women and stress" chart, published in Hatch's newsletter, was created by a group of women at a workshop in Labrador and aimed to help women visualize their stressors and the ways these connected to larger structures of injustice in their world,…

The article details the occupation of the Secretary of State's office in St. John's by feminist protestors to fight funding cuts for women's centres across Canada.
At 11:30am on March 25th a hundred women occupied the secretary of state's office.…
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