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Article about the death and funeral of Charles H. Danielle. Danielle died on May 1st, 1902; after his death, his adopted son Brazill inherited Danielle’s wealth and possessions. Danielle’s last wishes were to have his funeral executed in a specific…

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A newspaper notice that Charles Danielle was ill at Octagon Castle. It mentions a visit by Dr. Tait.

Evening Herald, 1899-02-10.jpg
Article in the Evening Herald about an ice skating masquerade carnival. It includes a description of a man named John Harvey dressed as a woman and wearing makeup, a performance enhanced by his skating backwards.

Evening Herald, 1900-07-21.jpg
This article details an assault that took place against Professor Charles Henry Danielle. James Brian assaulted Danielle, and claimed that his action was self-defense. The court found him guilty, however, and sentenced him to pay a fine of $20 or…

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Newspaper article describing the reading of Prof. Danielle’s will. He left the Octagon Castle to Mr. Frederick Brazill and a small amount of money and land to his servants.

Article about Charles H. Danielle and the question of the inheritance of his estate. It describes how Danielle had moved to Newfoundland after a life of acting, teaching dance, and costuming in Brooklyn, New York. Danielle’s first house burnt down…

Notebook containing instructions and information from Charles H. Danielle to Frederick A. Brazill on what to do immediately after Danielle’s death. Danielle notes that he left several letters between the pages of the notebook for Brazill to mail…

Very detailed five pages of post-mortem instructions by Charles H. Danielle within a folder indicating the instructions were kept behind a frame.

Photograph by James Vey of Charles Henry Danielle in Neptune costume.

Photograph of Charles Henry Danielle sitting casually with man and woman on front step of Octagon Castle.

Harbor Grace Standard, 1890-02-08.jpg
Listing for dance classes offered by Charles Henry Danielle in the Harbour Grace Standard.

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Announcement by Charles H. Danielle in the Harbour Grace Standard advertising dance classes to individuals of all ages, for practice and pleasure. The dance classes and assembly were free.

Small envelope with a picture of the Octagon Castle and text describing its amenities. Written on the address side is “For Sale 350”, and in shaky handwriting beneath it, “For You [illegible].” The illegible word may be “Charles”.

Group photograph by James Vey of Charles Henry Danielle and 9 staff members at Octagon Castle.

Photograph of Charles Henry Danille and Frederick Brazill, Brazil posed standing with hand rested on the shoulder of Charles Henry Danielle.

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Picture of Frederick Brazill looking into Charles Danielle's coffin, inside the Octagon Castle.

Letter with an Octagon Castle letterhead from Charles H. Danielle to Frederick A. Brazill about the protocols to follow upon Danielle's death and plans for his funeral.

Letter written on an Octagon Castle letterhead by Charles H. Danielle stating that after his death, his employee Mrs. A. Ryan should continue in her position of cook and general household servant at the Octagon Castle under the mastership of…

Letter from Clarence H. Waugh to Frederick A. Brazill, February 15, 1903 (dragged).jpg
Clarence Waugh, a former acquaintance of Charles H. Danielle in the United States, discusses Danielle in this letter to Frederick A. Brazill written after Danielle's death, referring to him as Charles Clark. Clarence highlights Charles'…

Letter from Clarence H. Waugh to Frederick A. Brazill, January 8, 1903 (dragged).jpg
A letter written by Clarence H. Waugh, a former acquaintance of Charles H. Danielle in the United States, in reply to Frederick A, Brazill, dated January 8, 1903. The letter thanks to Brazill for sending a photo, an obituary card for Charles, a…

Black wooden card with gold detailing states Charles Henry Danielle's date of death as the 1st of May, 1902, age 71 years 6 months. Contains a poem about grief and heaven. Above the poem is a picture of Danielle at the centre.

An exterior shot of the Octagon Castle, with a man with a bicycle in the foreground and three more men with bicycles in the background. Written around the picture are the words “St. John’s”, “June 25 [illegible]”, “Octagon Castle”, “Yours truly, P.H.…

A photograph of a large room in the Octagon Castle, with a high ceiling, a loft, and seven chairs.

A photograph of Charles H. Danielle.

A photograph taken inside the Octagon Castle looking through the opened entryways of three different rooms, plus an upper level in the outermost room.

A photograph of the dining room of Octagon Castle with staff and a bearded man, potentially Danielle, on the right looking over the room.
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