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3.01page1 article 2 2.png
A newspaper notice that Charles Danielle was ill at Octagon Castle. It mentions a visit by Dr. Tait.

3.01page1 article 3.png
Newspaper article that praises Prof. Danielle’s decorating projects. It describes the professor’s parlour, with a focus on his multicoloured, satin, and silk piano canopy. It also mentions his work with drapes, including one gifted to the…

3.01page1 article 1.jpg
Newspaper article describing the reading of Prof. Danielle’s will. He left the Octagon Castle to Mr. Frederick Brazill and a small amount of money and land to his servants.

Letter from Clarence H. Waugh to Frederick A. Brazill, June 10, 1902.jpg
A letter from Clarence Waugh, a former acquaintance of Charles H. Danielle in the United States, that expresses curiosity regarding Danielle's legal name and origins, as well as the continuity of Octagon Castle as a hotel, and the whereabouts of some…
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