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1982.11 Body Politic.jpeg
Classified ad from a Newfoundland-based gay man in his twenties seeking a companion.This article was posted in the Body Politic newsletter. The Body Politic was a queer, activist-based Canadian monthly newsletter that was published from 1971 to 1987.…

1982.04 Body Politic.jpeg
Article about gay and lesbian rural outreach in Atlantic Canada. Mentions the recent formation of GAIN and describes its fundraising events and efforts to build a membership base, quoting organizer Beth Lacey.This article was posted in the Body…

The Body politic, September 1982.jpeg
Article about Carol and Cheryl, members of the Lesbian Mothers' Defence Fund Calgary, who cycled from Vancouver to Newfoundland in 4 months to raise money and publicize their cause. The women raised hundreds of dollars and created contacts across…
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