Browse Items (17 total)

The Body politic, April 1983.jpeg
A short article describing a film being released by the Atlantic Region of the National Film Board about the author Harold Horwood. Horwood was best known for his 1966 novel "Tomorrow Will Be Sunday" which is about a man's coming out and coming of…

The cover of the Body Politic's September - October issue from 1975 which features the Canadian/ Community Homophile Association of Newfoundland front and centre with a banner that reads "C.H.A.N. St. John's NFLD."

The Body politic, October 1979.jpeg
An advertisement for 6 CBC radio shows on various queer topics, to be broadcasted around Canada. Topics included identity, a story of a polyamorous relationship, and gay consciousness.CBC running a radio show explicitly about queer topics, and…

1982.11 Body Politic.jpeg
Classified ad from a Newfoundland-based gay man in his twenties seeking a companion.This article was posted in the Body Politic newsletter. The Body Politic was a queer, activist-based Canadian monthly newsletter that was published from 1971 to 1987.…

1986-09-19 Gain Foresight (dragged).jpg
Gay Association in Newfoundland monthly newsletter. It announces dances at Priscilla's Bar throughout the fall; that the GAIN newsletter would be moving to a monthly format and was seeking volunteers to contribute; that GAIN was hoping to set up…

The Body politic, July_August 1981.jpeg
Letter to the editor of The Body Politic from a reader in St. John's written in the aftermath of CHAN's folding, outlining what the author sees as the reasons it folded and what would be necessary for a new organization to take its place. They…

1977.02 Body Politic.jpeg
Article reporting that, after the Community Homophile Association of Newfoundland’s annual election the previous November left three executive positions unfilled, CHAN members filled the vacant positions at their January meeting and saved the…

The Body politic, September 1977 1_2.jpeg
Article that details how two women in the armed forces held a small marriage ceremony in Argentia, and were later dismissed along with several other women, as a direct result of their involvement or presumed involvement. In total, nine women were…

The Body politic, November 1985 2.jpeg
Article reporting that the Gay Association in Newfoundland had presented a brief to the House of Commons Sub-Committee on Equality Rights to advocate for gay liberation. Wally Upward presented on behalf of GAIN, the Provincial Advisory Council on the…

1976.03-04 Body Politic.jpeg
Article reporting on progress in the development of gay spaces and groups in Nova Scotia that mentions a rumour that a group in Harbour Grace was interested in forming a chapter of the Canadian Homophile Association of Newfoundland (CHAN).This…

The Body politic, September 1982.jpeg
Article about Carol and Cheryl, members of the Lesbian Mothers' Defence Fund Calgary, who cycled from Vancouver to Newfoundland in 4 months to raise money and publicize their cause. The women raised hundreds of dollars and created contacts across…

The Body politic, November 1985.jpeg
Short article promoting two G.A.I.N. dances: a Halloween dance on November 2, 1985, and a regular dance, on November 23. The article explains what G.A.I.N. is, and that the profits made from their dances fund their various operations, rent, and…

The Body politic, January 1986.jpeg
A brief segment stating that the Newfoundland and Labrador Human Rights Association recommended that the Newfoundland Human Rights Act include a ban on discrimination based on sexual orientation. The segment also mentions GAIN being commended for…

The Body politic, November 1984 1_2 (1).jpeg
An advertisement and interview about the comedy revue "Too Foolish to Talk About", created by Greg Malone and Tommy Sexton. The article discusses the show and how it has allowed the duo to have more freedom to perform openly gay materials. The actors…

The Body politic, December 1985.jpeg
Article in The Body Politic about a dance GAIN (Gay Association in Newfoundland) was hosting in conjunction with the Chicago House AIDS hospice performance fundraiser for queer people who are dying of AIDS. The event was being hosted as a Christmas…

The Body politic, October 1976.jpeg
Article in The Body Politic about a bar in St. John's called The Sea Breeze, which had hired extra bouncers to deal with violent clashes. After this effort was unsuccessful, management converted the bar into a private club to prevent violence. They…

1986.01.15 GAIN 1.jpeg
Monthly newsletter for GAIN members. It includes several announcements: that a telephone line will operate out of Wally Upward’s house; the opening of a new gay bar, Pricella’s; and efforts to have sexual orientation added as prohibited grounds of…
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