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The Body politic, October 1976.jpeg
Article in The Body Politic about a bar in St. John's called The Sea Breeze, which had hired extra bouncers to deal with violent clashes. After this effort was unsuccessful, management converted the bar into a private club to prevent violence. They…

1976.03-04 Body Politic.jpeg
Article reporting on progress in the development of gay spaces and groups in Nova Scotia that mentions a rumour that a group in Harbour Grace was interested in forming a chapter of the Canadian Homophile Association of Newfoundland (CHAN).This…

1976.09 Body Politic.jpeg
Article about CHAN and how it had positively affected life for gays and lesbians in St. John’s. It describes a boycott CHAN organized of the Waterfront Tavern after two gay men were thrown out of the bar for dancing together, and a presentation CHAN…
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