Browse Items (18 total)

The cover of the Body Politic's September - October issue from 1975 which features the Canadian/ Community Homophile Association of Newfoundland front and centre with a banner that reads "C.H.A.N. St. John's NFLD."

Muse, 1974-06-28.jpg
An advertisement in the muse newsletter, a student newsletter from Memorial University of Newfoundland. The advertisement reads "Gay??? Why not contact CHAN (The Canadian Homophile Association of Newfoundland) G.P.O. 613 St. John's. All…

The Body politic, October 1979.jpeg
An advertisement for 6 CBC radio shows on various queer topics, to be broadcasted around Canada. Topics included identity, a story of a polyamorous relationship, and gay consciousness.CBC running a radio show explicitly about queer topics, and…

Muse, 1974-11-01.jpg
An ad placed in the Muse, Memorial University of Newfoundland’s student newspaper informing gay men and women of an organized group in St. John’s, CHAN (Community Homophile Association of Newfoundland). Their contact information as well as a…

Tommy Sexton is one of Newfoundland's most versatile actors and dancers. Here he portrays some well-known 'types'.jpg
Four photographs of Tommy Sexton: posing as a ballet dancer, and parodies of John Travolta, Newfie stereotypes, and children's studio portraits. From Decks Awash magazine, volume 8, issue 4, page 40.Tommy Sexton (1957-1993) was an actor, dancer,…

1976.09 Body Politic.jpeg
Article about CHAN and how it had positively affected life for gays and lesbians in St. John’s. It describes a boycott CHAN organized of the Waterfront Tavern after two gay men were thrown out of the bar for dancing together, and a presentation CHAN…

1977.07-08 Body Politic.jpg
An article discussing the discharge of Private Barbara Thornborrow by the Canadian Forces. The discharge was issued with the justification that “service policy does not allow for the retention of sexual deviates”. Private Thornborrow was surprised to…

1975.01-02 Body Politic.jpeg
Review of A Strange Breed of Cat: An Encounter in Human Sexuality by psychologist B. Mark Schoenberg, a book recording the sessions of a male encounter group at Memorial University consisting of seven students: two gay, one bisexual, three…

1979.12-1980.01 Body Politic.jpeg
Report on the Atlantic Gay and Lesbian Community Conference, held in Halifax from November 9th-12th under the auspices of the Gay Alliance for Equality. It features a quote from Carole Dunphy of Paradise, one of only 36 delegates, whose first…

1972.07-08 Body Politic 1.jpeg
Snippet from an erotic poem by American writer and social philosopher Paul Goodman that describes Middle Cove Beach. This article was posted in the Body Politic newsletter. The Body Politic was a queer, activist-based Canadian monthly newsletter that…

Muse, 1977-10-14.jpg
Newspaper article that reports on the Atlantic Gay Movement conference of 1977 in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The conference dealt with issues of bilingualism in the gay movement and increasing organization numbers in the Atlantic region.

Gay Community News, 1975 Vol. 02, No. 32.png
Article about a conference held by the Boston Gay Speakers Bureau. One presenter, Charles Bonnell, held a workshop in which he discussed misinformation surrounding homosexuals. He also educated the attendees on the occurrence of gay relations within…

Muse 1974_02_01 .png
A letter to the editor of the Muse, Memorial University of Newfoundland's student newspaper, by a fourth-year education student using the pseudonym "John Novak". The writer calls on gay students to come out of the closet and speak their minds - "come…

Ray Condon was an AIDS activist born in 1945 in Calvert, Newfoundland. He was a trailblazing teacher in the province who became an activist after his 1991 diagnosis and spent the rest of his life fighting for 2SLGBTQ+ rights in Newfoundland and…

1977.02 Body Politic.jpeg
Article reporting that, after the Community Homophile Association of Newfoundland’s annual election the previous November left three executive positions unfilled, CHAN members filled the vacant positions at their January meeting and saved the…

The Body politic, September 1977 1_2.jpeg
Article that details how two women in the armed forces held a small marriage ceremony in Argentia, and were later dismissed along with several other women, as a direct result of their involvement or presumed involvement. In total, nine women were…

The Body politic, October 1976.jpeg
Article in The Body Politic about a bar in St. John's called The Sea Breeze, which had hired extra bouncers to deal with violent clashes. After this effort was unsuccessful, management converted the bar into a private club to prevent violence. They…

Muse 1974_06_28.png
An article published in the Muse, Memorial University of Newfoundland's student newspaper, by the Community Homophile Association of Newfoundland looking for new members. It includes their location and the activities they hope to organize as a group,…
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