Browse Items (6 total)

1984.12.08 GAIN .png
Gay Association in Newfoundland monthly newsletter. It details a Halloween dance held on October 27th that included a costume contest, and another dance on November 17th. It reports that a Christmas party was being held on December 15th at Grad…

Gay Association in Newfoundland (G.A.I.N) June 85 -1.jpg
Gay Association in Newfoundland monthly newsletter. It includes information on upcoming events, including dances at the Graduate House on July 13th and August 14th; a beach party on July 14th; softball games every Sunday; general meetings of GAIN on…

Gay Association in Newfoundland (G.A.I.N) May 85 -1.jpg
Gay Association in Newfoundland monthly newsletter. It notes that a dance had been held on April 13th at Grad House, fundraising for famine relief in Ethiopia, and announces that GAIN's next general meeting would be on June 11 and its next dance on…

1986-07 Gain Foresight (dragged).jpg
Gay Association in Newfoundland monthly newsletter. The Gay Pride Weekend had been held that June, and the newsletter provides a review of events, including a rally in Bannerman Park, a dance at Grad House, and a fundraising benefit at Priscilla's…

1986-09-19 Gain Foresight (dragged).jpg
Gay Association in Newfoundland monthly newsletter. It announces dances at Priscilla's Bar throughout the fall; that the GAIN newsletter would be moving to a monthly format and was seeking volunteers to contribute; that GAIN was hoping to set up…

Muse, 1985-02-01 (1).JPG
An article published in Memorial University’s student newspaper the Muse, written by Robert Stoodley, about attending a screening of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. The article discusses the do’ and don'ts of attending a screening of the film,…
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