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Tommy Sexton is one of Newfoundland's most versatile actors and dancers. Here he portrays some well-known 'types'.jpg
Four photographs of Tommy Sexton: posing as a ballet dancer, and parodies of John Travolta, Newfie stereotypes, and children's studio portraits. From Decks Awash magazine, volume 8, issue 4, page 40.Tommy Sexton (1957-1993) was an actor, dancer,…

Article about Charles H. Danielle and the question of the inheritance of his estate. It describes how Danielle had moved to Newfoundland after a life of acting, teaching dance, and costuming in Brooklyn, New York. Danielle’s first house burnt down…

Article about the death and funeral of Charles H. Danielle. Danielle died on May 1st, 1902; after his death, his adopted son Brazill inherited Danielle’s wealth and possessions. Danielle’s last wishes were to have his funeral executed in a specific…
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