Browse Items (17 total)

Émile Recording 2.mp3
A conversation with Émile Sopkowe about the places they've lived, their relationship to their craft as a trans person, how they carve out space for themselves in the sometimes gender exclusionary world of craft, the role that older trans people can…

In Notre Dame Bay. [View of iceberg].jpg
A black and white photograph of an iceberg that looks like it was taken from a boat in the water. The foreground is water with the iceberg in the centre of the photograph. Behind the iceberg, you can see a piece of the island that extends into the…

Venison Island.jpg
A black and white photograph of a body of water with hills in the background. There are multiple boats in the water and many fishing stages on the right shoreline. Below the photo, written in cursive, is "Venison Island".

Edith S. Watson…

Jone's Cove. Twillingate. At the Ferry.jpg
A black and white photograph of a beach sheltered by hills. There are two people standing on a wharf in the center of the photograph. There is a small boat in the water. Two buildings and a second wharf are in the background. Below the photo,…

In Ferryland. [View of harbour].jpg
A black and white photograph of a rocky harbour with a person holding a stick in the foreground. In the background, there are houses, docks and a boat. Below the photo, written in cursive, is "In Ferryland".

Edith S. Watson (1861-1943) was an…

North Side. St. John's. [Harbour showing cod processing.].jpg
A photograph of the north side of the St. John's Harbour (the Battery). Several houses, dories, and fishing stages are visible.

Edith S. Watson (1861-1943) was an American freelance photographer who travelled throughout Canada as well as…

In Quidi Vidi .jpg
A view of the cliffs in Quidi Vidi, with a building and fishing stages.

Edith S. Watson (1861-1943) was an American freelance photographer who travelled throughout Canada as well as Newfoundland and Labrador in the early 20th century. She…

1983-05 Gain Foresight (The Gay Association in Newfoundland) (dragged).jpg
Gay Association in Newfoundland monthly newsletter. The newsletter opens with a note from the president of G.A.I.N. who mentions a private members bill introduced in the House of Commons to add sexual orientation to the list of prohibited categories…

White Bear Island.jpg
A view of the water from a rocky shoreline, with cliff in the distance. A stage and several boats of various sizes are visible.

Edith S. Watson (1861-1943) was an American freelance photographer who travelled throughout Canada as well as…

Tommy Sexton is one of Newfoundland's most versatile actors and dancers. Here he portrays some well-known 'types'.jpg
Four photographs of Tommy Sexton: posing as a ballet dancer, and parodies of John Travolta, Newfie stereotypes, and children's studio portraits. From Decks Awash magazine, volume 8, issue 4, page 40.Tommy Sexton (1957-1993) was an actor, dancer,…

Smoky Tickle .jpg
A photograph depicting a small house on the water, with some men working on the wharf. Further out there are 3 ships. Below the photo written in cursive is "Smoky Tickle".

Edith S. Watson (1861-1943) was an American freelance photographer who…

Robin Hood Cove. Near Trinity.jpg
A photograph of a road in Robin Hood Cove, near Trinity, looking towards the ocean.

Edith S. Watson (1861-1943) was an American freelance photographer who travelled throughout Canada as well as Newfoundland and Labrador in the early 20th century.…

[View of wharf].jpg
A photograph of a rocky beach leading to a small wharf.

Edith S. Watson (1861-1943) was an American freelance photographer who travelled throughout Canada as well as Newfoundland and Labrador in the early 20th century. She travelled and…

A chat at the Bay. Crow Head.jpg
A photograph of two women talking outside some houses in Crow Head.

Edith S. Watson (1861-1943) was an American freelance photographer who travelled throughout Canada as well as Newfoundland and Labrador in the early 20th century. She travelled…

At Tompkins. [Landscape with view of rural road].jpg
A photograph of a landscape with a view of a rural road, fence, and hills in the distance.

Edith S. Watson (1861-1943) was an American freelance photographer who travelled throughout Canada as well as Newfoundland and Labrador in the early 20th…

Evening Telegram. 1913-09-04.jpg
Announcement in The Evening Telegram that Edith S. Watson and Victoria Hayward would be visiting the province that week. They were visiting Labrador on this particular trip and both were reported to have enjoyed their visit. Article describes a "fine…

In Twillingate.jpg
A photograph of a beach in Twillingate with a dock, a house, and an iceberg in the distance.

Edith S. Watson (1861-1943) was an American freelance photographer who travelled throughout Canada as well as Newfoundland and Labrador in the early…
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