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Article about the death and funeral of Charles H. Danielle. Danielle died on May 1st, 1902; after his death, his adopted son Brazill inherited Danielle’s wealth and possessions. Danielle’s last wishes were to have his funeral executed in a specific…

Tommy Sexton is one of Newfoundland's most versatile actors and dancers. Here he portrays some well-known 'types'.jpg
Four photographs of Tommy Sexton: posing as a ballet dancer, and parodies of John Travolta, Newfie stereotypes, and children's studio portraits. From Decks Awash magazine, volume 8, issue 4, page 40.Tommy Sexton (1957-1993) was an actor, dancer,…

Article about Charles H. Danielle and the question of the inheritance of his estate. It describes how Danielle had moved to Newfoundland after a life of acting, teaching dance, and costuming in Brooklyn, New York. Danielle’s first house burnt down…
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