Browse Items (3 total)

The Body politic, October 1976.jpeg
Article in The Body Politic about a bar in St. John's called The Sea Breeze, which had hired extra bouncers to deal with violent clashes. After this effort was unsuccessful, management converted the bar into a private club to prevent violence. They…

1986.01.15 GAIN 1.jpeg
Monthly newsletter for GAIN members. It announces that a telephone line will operate out of Wally Upward’s house, the opening of a new gay bar, Pricella’s, and efforts to have sexual orientation added as prohibited grounds of discrimination to the…

1986-07 Gain Foresight (dragged).jpg
Gay Association in Newfoundland monthly newsletter. The Gay Pride Weekend had been held that June, and the newsletter provides a review of events, including a rally in Bannerman Park, a dance at Grad House, and a fundraising benefit at Priscilla's…
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