Browse Items (3 total)

Evening Telegram, 1924-04-19 (1).jpg
An article in the Evening Telegram's Trinity section that recounts a story of two men in Trinity who shared a powerful love “passing the love of women” which enabled one to have a vision in a dream of the other while he was at sea. It argues that…

_Gay Association in Newfoundland (G.A.I.N) April 85 -1 .jpg
This article details the community of Gayside actions to change the name to Baytona. The community expressed concerns over the barrage of insulting jokes pertaining to the name ‘Gayside’, and as a result took a poll to change the name. The community…

Gay Association in Newfoundland (G.A.I.N) May 85 -1.jpg
Gay Association in Newfoundland monthly newsletter. It notes that a dance had been held on April 13th at Grad House, fundraising for famine relief in Ethiopia, and announces that GAIN's next general meeting would be on June 11 and its next dance on…
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