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- Tags: Gay Association in Newfoundland
Gay? So are we!
NDP Fights discrimination based on Sexual Orientation
GAIN Foresight May 1983
"For the Record"
GAIN Foresight August 24, 1985
GAIN Foresight November 23, 1985
GAIN Foresight September 1987
Tags: 1980s, 1987, ads, AIDS, AIDS Committee of Newfoundland and Labrador, AIDS crisis, Amsterdam, armed forces, Canadian Armed Forces, Canadian Human Rights Act, Canadian Military, Chasers Mates, conference, dance, EGALE, Epicene, events, federal government, GAIN, GAIN Foresight, Gay Association in Newfoundland, gay dances, Gay Games, Graduate House, Homomonument, human rights, human rights legislation, Labrador, legal, legislation, Lesbian Network Magazine, military, newsletter, Planned Parenthood, Pricilla’s Bar, Sexuality 88, The Body Politic, World War 2, World War II
GAIN Foresight February 1986
GAIN Foresight July 1986
Tags: 1980s, 1986, AIDS, arts, conference, dance, events, fundraising, GAIN, gay, Gay Association in Newfoundland, gay bar, gay fathers, human rights, legal, legislation, lesbian, literature, Maritimes, newsletter, Pride, theatre
GAIN Foresight May 1985
Tags: 1980s, 1985, AIDS, Christianity, church, conversion, conversion therapy, dance, discrimination, events, fundraising, GAIN, Gay Association in Newfoundland, homophobia, human rights, Human Rights Amendment, lesbian, lesbian mothers, meeting, murder, newsletter, Oxfam, religion, sexual assault, sports, support, trial
GAIN Foresight December 1984
Tags: 1980s, 1984, books, dance, events, GAIN, Gay Association in Newfoundland, gay club, Katz, newsletter
"Newfoundland gays urge broad reading of Charter rights"
"Biking for custody across the country"
G.A.I.N. Dances
"Gaining ground again"
"GAIN dance"
GAIN Foresight February 1986
GAIN Foresight March 1985
GAIN Foresight September 1985
GAIN Foresight December 1985
Tags: 1980s, 1985, activism, AIDS, art show, Christmas, clinic, dance, GAIN, Gay Association in Newfoundland, new year, organizing, Robin Metcalfe