Browse Items (3 total)

Muse, 1987-10-23.png
Article in MUN's student newspaper, The Muse, describing that The Memorial University Gay and Lesbian Association (MUNGALA) will not be ratified by the Council of the Student's Union in the coming year, but will remain active on campus. Author…

Gay Association in Newfoundland (G.A.I.N) May 85 -1.jpg
Gay Association in Newfoundland monthly newsletter. It notes that a dance had been held on April 13th at Grad House, fundraising for famine relief in Ethiopia, and announces that GAIN's next general meeting would be on June 11 and its next dance on…

1991.10 About face (dragged).jpg
This was the second issue of a reboot of the original AboutFace newsletter published by CHAN in the 1970s. GALT recognised the foundational work done by CHAN and sought to reestablish the newsletter as a source of local gay and lesbian news and…
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