Browse Items (5 total)

Monthly newsletter for GAIN members. Contains news of upcoming events such as a dance being held at the women’s center, an AIDS blood test clinic, and a possible showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show being shown at MUN. There are also news items…

1986.03.22 GAIN 1.jpeg
Monthly newsletter for GAIN members. It mentions the installation of a phone line and calls for volunteers to run it; contains a response from the Office of the Minister of Justice to GAIN members’ letters about the censorship of the book The Joy of…

The Gay Association in Newfoundland (G.A.I.N.) January 85 -1 (1).jpg
Gay Association in Newfoundland monthly newsletter. Reports that GAIN is selling pink triangles for $5 to GAIN members and requests that sexual orientation be added to the Newfoundland Human Rights Code, and that there is one case of AIDS in…

Evening Telegram, 1896-03-30.jpg
Article in the Evening Telegram about a woman dressed in male attire who was discovered by a neighbor while washing a chimney, then admitted to the lunatic asylum.
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