Browse Items (86 total)

Informational video about AIDS and its transmission. At 5:57 a bar graph is shown displaying AIDS cases by a patient group from 1981-1986. 73% were noted to be homosexual/bisexual men.  6:08 in video it shows that 74% of the "high-risk group" is…

Article in the Muse, Memorial University of Newfoundland's student newspaper, that describes the newly formed AIDS committee at Memorial University. The organization GALA recognizes one fatal flaw in the composition of the committee: there are no…

Muse, 1987-03-06 -1.png
Article in Memorial University of Newfoundland's student newspaper, the Muse, reporting that Ms. J Dawson, a St. John's resident, complained to CHMR campus radio station about a song she deemed offensive called "I'm In Like A Dyke (Named Spike)"…

The Gay Association in Newfoundland (G.A.I.N.) October 87 -1.jpg
Gay Association in Newfoundland monthly newsletter. In this newsletter, Priscilla’s Bar (379 Duckworth St., St. John's; now the Republic) is mentioned as Newfoundland’s only gay bar; it hosts a support dance for GAIN. The newsletter also advertises…

Gay Association in Newfoundland (G.A.I.N) October 85 -1.jpg
Gay Association in Newfoundland monthly newsletter. Reports that GAIN raised $382.75 at their AIDS fundraising night at Katz bar in order to buy and freely distribute AIDS information; they sent for pamphlets from the Harvey Milk Lesbian and Gay…

The Gay Association in Newfoundland (G.A.I.N.) January 85 -1 (1).jpg
Gay Association in Newfoundland monthly newsletter. Reports that GAIN is selling pink triangles for $5 to GAIN members and requests that sexual orientation be added to the Newfoundland Human Rights Code, and that there is one case of AIDS in…

Monthly newsletter for GAIN members. It includes news items such as a dance that was to be held at the Women's Centre. Reports that GAIN has AIDS brochures such as “It’s Raining Men, Do You Have Your Rubbers On?” and “This is a Test, This is Only a…

_Gay Association in Newfoundland (G.A.I.N) September 85 -1.jpg
Gay Association in Newfoundland monthly newsletter. Reports that the Memorial University of Newfoundland Film Society held a screening of The Times of Harvey Milk, considered to be “the most important gay film of the year”, on September 27th. AIDS…

 Gay Association in Newfoundland (G.A.I.N) March 85 -1.jpg
Gay Association in Newfoundland monthly newsletter. Notes that GAIN had an ad in the Evening Telegram and mentions Blair J, a member of Gays of Ottawa that brought them a copy of "The Gay Organizer". They were looking for two men and two women to…

1986.01.15 GAIN 1.jpeg
Monthly newsletter for GAIN members. It includes several announcements: that a telephone line will operate out of Wally Upward’s house; the opening of a new gay bar, Pricella’s; and efforts to have sexual orientation added as prohibited grounds of…

The Body politic, December 1985.jpeg
Article in The Body Politic about a dance GAIN (Gay Association in Newfoundland) was hosting in conjunction with the Chicago House AIDS hospice performance fundraiser for queer people who are dying of AIDS. The event was being hosted as a Christmas…

_Gay Association in Newfoundland (G.A.I.N) April 85 -1 .jpg
This article details the community of Gayside actions to change the name to Baytona. The community expressed concerns over the barrage of insulting jokes pertaining to the name ‘Gayside’, and as a result took a poll to change the name. The community…

1986.03.22 GAIN 1.jpeg
Monthly newsletter for GAIN members. It mentions the installation of a phone line and calls for volunteers to run it; contains a response from the Office of the Minister of Justice to GAIN members’ letters about the censorship of the book The Joy of…

The Body politic, November 1984 1_2 (1).jpeg
An advertisement and interview about the comedy revue "Too Foolish to Talk About", created by Greg Malone and Tommy Sexton. The article discusses the show and how it has allowed the duo to have more freedom to perform openly gay materials. The actors…

The Body politic, December 1979_January 1980.jpeg
Article in The Body Politic which states there had been a petition to change the name of a street in St. John's, Newfoundland. The street's name was "Dildo Place." It is noted that it is not known why the residents wanted the street name…

The Body politic, September 1983 2.jpeg
Article in The Body Politic describing the first ever lesbian and gay phone-line conference held in Halifax from June 17-19th. It is noted that these workshops were designed as an information exchange and advice hub for those wishing to set up gay…

The Body politic, May 1983.jpeg
An article discussing the latest incarceration of the Gay Association in Newfoundland (GAIN.) It appears to have been a positive event as the publication of GAIN's first newsletter skyrockets, called "Gain Foresight." The article then goes on to…

The Body politic, June_July 1980.jpeg
Article in The Body Politic describing a violent police raid on the night of March 14, 1980 at Friends Bar in St. John's. It reports that police entered at 2:45 am with the intention to shut down the bar at any cost. Patrons were ordered to leave by…

The Body politic, September 1983.png
A short banner that mentions the success of the Gay Association in Newfoundland (GAIN)'s first ever pride week hosted in the summer of 1983. They speak to the president of GAIN at the time, Theresa Walsh and discuss the origin of pride in the…

Monthly newsletter for GAIN members. Contains news of upcoming events such as a dance being held at the women’s center, an AIDS blood test clinic, and a possible showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show being shown at MUN. There are also news items…

Monthly newsletter for GAIN members. Contains news on upcoming events such as the monthly GAIN meeting and the next dance, and personal ads for someone seeking a carpenter, another selling a stereo, an ad for a two-woman show, and an ad for a bar.…

The Body politic, January 1986.jpeg
A brief segment stating that the Newfoundland and Labrador Human Rights Association recommended that the Newfoundland Human Rights Act include a ban on discrimination based on sexual orientation. The segment also mentions GAIN being commended for…

A bulletin in the fall 1988 copy of Women Speak that promotes the second annual symposium about sexuality in St. John's. It was sponsored by Planned Parenthood and included a number of workshops focusing on issues from AIDS to sexual orientation.…

Hatch March 1983 chart of stressors.tif
This "women and stress" chart, published in Hatch's newsletter, was created by a group of women at a workshop in Labrador and aimed to help women visualize their stressors and the ways these connected to larger structures of injustice in their world,…

Article in the Muse announcing the formation of a Gay Studies Group at Memorial University, a space for students, faculty, and staff, to engage with academic topics and research related to gay studies/queer studies. Interviews member Ron Knowling,…

Muse, 1989-07-07.png
Article in the Muse describing a vigil held on June 20th, 1989 in the TSC at Memorial University remembering those lost to AIDS. The vigil spanned two days and was attended by members of the Anglican Synod, community members, and representatives from…

The Body politic, September 1982.jpeg
Article about Carol and Cheryl, members of the Lesbian Mothers' Defence Fund Calgary, who cycled from Vancouver to Newfoundland in 4 months to raise money and publicize their cause. The women raised hundreds of dollars and created contacts across…

The Body politic, November 1985 2.jpeg
Article reporting that the Gay Association in Newfoundland had presented a brief to the House of Commons Sub-Committee on Equality Rights to advocate for gay liberation. Wally Upward presented on behalf of GAIN, the Provincial Advisory Council on the…

The Body politic, December 1986.jpeg
Article about the development of GALA, the Gay and Lesbian Association for students at Memorial University. The article highlights the purpose and importance of and need for the organization, and mentions that they are awaiting ratification at the…

1984.12.08 GAIN .png
Gay Association in Newfoundland monthly newsletter. It details a Halloween dance held on October 27th that included a costume contest, and another dance on November 17th. It reports that a Christmas party was being held on December 15th at Grad…

The Body politic, July_August 1981.jpeg
Letter to the editor of The Body Politic from a reader in St. John's written in the aftermath of CHAN's folding, outlining what the author sees as the reasons it folded and what would be necessary for a new organization to take its place. They…

Gay Association in Newfoundland (G.A.I.N) June 85 -1.jpg
Gay Association in Newfoundland monthly newsletter. It includes information on upcoming events, including dances at the Graduate House on July 13th and August 14th; a beach party on July 14th; softball games every Sunday; general meetings of GAIN on…

Gay Association in Newfoundland (G.A.I.N) May 85 -1.jpg
Gay Association in Newfoundland monthly newsletter. It notes that a dance had been held on April 13th at Grad House, fundraising for famine relief in Ethiopia, and announces that GAIN's next general meeting would be on June 11 and its next dance on…

1986-07 Gain Foresight (dragged).jpg
Gay Association in Newfoundland monthly newsletter. The Gay Pride Weekend had been held that June, and the newsletter provides a review of events, including a rally in Bannerman Park, a dance at Grad House, and a fundraising benefit at Priscilla's…

Muse, 1983-10-28.jpg
An article in the Muse, Memorial University of Newfoundland’s student newspaper, that comments on the social climate of being “out” at the university. The article remarks about a changing sentiment about homosexuality but notes there is no gay…

1982.04 Body Politic.jpeg
Article about gay and lesbian rural outreach in Atlantic Canada. Mentions the recent formation of GAIN and describes its fundraising events and efforts to build a membership base, quoting organizer Beth Lacey.This article was posted in the Body…

Muse, 1984-03-23, p.1 .jpg
The Muse's 1984 and Lesbian and Gay Issues Supplement. The first page displays a full-page cartoon drawing of a gay couple kissing behind some bushes, and speech bubbles coming out of the bushes expressing homophobic sentiments. The second page…

1986.01.15 GAIN 1.jpeg
Monthly newsletter for GAIN members. It announces that a telephone line will operate out of Wally Upward’s house, the opening of a new gay bar, Pricella’s, and efforts to have sexual orientation added as prohibited grounds of discrimination to the…

1980.08 Body Politic.jpeg
Letter to the editor of The Body Politic from William Bartlett, owner of Friends Bar in St. John's, pointing out inaccuracies in the publication's coverage of a police raid on the bar on March 14th, 1980.This letter was posted in the Body Politic…

1986-09-19 Gain Foresight (dragged).jpg
Gay Association in Newfoundland monthly newsletter. It announces dances at Priscilla's Bar throughout the fall; that the GAIN newsletter would be moving to a monthly format and was seeking volunteers to contribute; that GAIN was hoping to set up…

1985.11.23 GAIN 1.jpeg
Monthly newsletter for members of the Gay Association in Newfoundland (GAIN). It announces GAIN’s Christmas dance, to be held the following month at the Graduate House. It also provides several updates related to AIDS, including a look at which…

1985.08.24 GAIN 1.jpeg
Monthly newsletter for members of the Gay Association in Newfoundland (GAIN). It announces the next few GAIN dances and notes that the group was planning a trip to Halifax in early October. It reports that a brief that GAIN prepared for the House of…

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A home photograph taken of Sexton holding a beer and smiling at the camera.

Tommy Sexton (1957-1993) was an actor, dancer, musician, and comedian born in St. John's, Newfoundland. He was best known for his involvement in CODCO, a…

0022_Image 22.jpg
Tommy Sexton sitting in front of a sun lit window, holding a yellow mug with a smile on his face.

Tommy Sexton (1957-1993) was an actor, dancer, musician, and comedian born in St. John's, Newfoundland. He was best known for his involvement in…

The Body politic, May 1986.jpeg
Article segment about an inquiry made by the Gay Association of Newfoundland (GAIN) in regard to the book The Joy of Gay Sex. It received a response from the executive assistant to John Crosbie (Federal Justice Minister) saying: "[it] is of the…

Muse, 1986-10-17.jpg
Article in The Muse describing an attack on a homosexual student (John) that occurred in June 1986. Author calls for donations and support for Memorial University of Newfoundland's Gay and Lesbian Association.

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Tommy Sexton posing with his arms crossed over his chest, looking to the side towards the camera without smiling.

Tommy Sexton (1957-1993) was an actor, dancer, musician, and comedian born in St. John's, Newfoundland. He was best known for his…

Muse, 1985-02-01 (1).JPG
An article published in Memorial University’s student newspaper the Muse, written by Robert Stoodley, about attending a screening of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. The article discusses the do’ and don'ts of attending a screening of the film,…

Tommy Sexton glaring at camera.jpg
Tommy Sexton holding a camera and taking a photo of himself.

Tommy Sexton (1957-1993) was an actor, dancer, musician, and comedian born in St. John's, Newfoundland. He was best known for his involvement in CODCO, a Newfoundland-based comedy troupe…

Tommy Sexton in drag entertaining a crowd.jpg
Tommy Sexton entertaining a crowd while in drag at a Halloween party. He is holding a cigarette and a drink and people around him can be seen smiling.

Tommy Sexton (1957-1993) was an actor, dancer, musician, and comedian born in St. John's,…
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